An image representing the core web vitals of a web page, indicating its performance on the web

In today’s digital age, it’s more crucial than ever to have a website that is lightning-fast, effortlessly navigable and provides an exceptional user experience. Recognising this, the search giant Google introduced a game-changing concept in May 2020 called Core Web Vitals. These marvellous metrics are specifically designed to gauge the “health” of a web page, focusing on how well it delivers a smooth and seamless user experience.

Think of Core Web Vitals as the superheroes of the web development world. They act as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for developers, helping them identify areas for improvement and optimise their websites accordingly. By paying close attention to these vital signs, you can unlock the secrets to enhancing user satisfaction, soaring up Google rankings, and ultimately creating a top-notch browsing experience for your visitors.

But what exactly are these Core Web Vitals? Well, they’re not your average run-of-the-mill performance metrics. They go beyond simply measuring page load times or server response rates. Instead, they focus on real-world user experiences, painting a comprehensive picture of your website’s performance from a visitor’s perspective. It is always better to rely on the best web development company near you if you wish to utilise the Core Web Vitals to your advantage.

Let’s now dive deeper into the topic of Core Web Vitals and discover how to enhance them to provide a premium user experience and achieve top Google rankings.

Everything You Need to Know About Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vital represents user experience quantitatively or mathematically. An excellent user experience is a multifaceted concept based on a website’s performance and content presentation. The three most fundamental user interactions of a website are the main focus of Core Web Vitals. They are:

  • Loading speed of the webpage
  • Visual stability
  • Interactivity

There are correlated indicators for these three variables. They are:

First Input Delay (FID)

Think of FID as the time it takes for a website to wake up and respond when a user takes their first meaningful action, such as clicking a button, tapping a link, or typing in a text box. This metric is all about ensuring that the website promptly reacts to user interactions, creating a smooth and engaging browsing experience. Slow FID can result in a bad user experience, and an excellent FID score is often 100 milliseconds or even less. Because it takes time for the browser to load the user’s session cookies, optimising the First Input Delay is crucial for e-commerce stores. Moreover, FID is crucial on any page where user interaction is vital. Whether it’s a form submission, a game, or an interactive tool, users expect the page to respond instantly when they take action. A delayed response can break the flow, disrupt the user’s focus, and hinder their overall experience.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

LCP is all about measuring the loading speed of a web page and focuses explicitly on the time it takes for the biggest text or image block to finish loading and be visible to the website visitor. To put it into perspective, a good LCP score is typically 2.5 seconds or less. Achieving this benchmark ensures that users are greeted with meaningful content promptly, keeping them engaged and satisfied. Remember, LCP is a key indicator of how quickly a web page starts to provide value to the user. When measuring LCP, the clock starts ticking the moment the user requests the URL, and the visible element that matters is the one defined within the <HEAD> section of the page and falls within the viewport. It’s usually the largest element, such as an image, video, or a substantial block of text.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

CLS assesses how stable a website’s visuals are by analysing how many layout shifts happen during the loading process. A good CLS score is usually about 0.1 or less, while a high score can result in a bad user experience. When the content of a page loads at different rates, the page layout adjusts, which in turn, changes what the viewer sees. Potential triggers of CLS include:

  • Slow-loading advertisements.
  • The appearance of videos of unknown size.
  • The dynamic addition of DOM elements.

By optimising and measuring the Core Web Vitals, one can improve the user experience, which in turn leads to higher rankings in the search engine, increased engagement and more conversions.

Importance of Core Web Vitals & Why is It Essential to Improve It

There are a number of reasons why your website’s Core Web Vitals must be optimised. They are:

  • Improving the user experience can enhance conversion rates and engagement.
  • Search engines like Google use Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor.
  • Search engines always tend to favour sites with high Core Web Vitals scores. It will be more challenging for users to locate sites with low Core Web Vitals scores because they will appear way down in search results.

An Overview of the Ways to Improve Core Web Vitals

You can take a number of measures to enhance Core Web Vitals. Some of the best strategies are as follows:

Optimise images

It’s crucial to optimise your photos for the web because their size can affect how quickly your site loads. Image compression, size reduction, and the appropriate file format all help achieve this goal.

Maintain CSS and Javascript to a minimum.

Many modern websites wouldn’t function without JavaScript and CSS, but if they aren’t optimised properly, they can significantly increase a webpage’s loading time. You should reduce the size of these files so they have less effect on the Core Web Vitals scores.

Speed up the server’s responses.

Speeding up the server response time is important, as a low server response will slow down the website’s loading time. One way to accomplish this is to switch to a quicker web server, optimise your database, and employ a CDN.

Remove pop-ups & ads.

Pop-ups and ads that disrupt the page’s layout might also have a detrimental effect on CLS rankings. If you want to avoid these problems, make sure that you either remove those pop-ups and ads or that any you employ are appropriately sized ones that do not cause layout shifts.

Track & monitor Core Web Vitals with tools.

Last, but not least, it’s crucial to make use of technologies that allow you to keep tabs on the Core Web Vitals scores. Chrome User Experience Report and PageSpeed Insights are two of Google’s popular tools for keeping tabs on your Core Web Vitals scores. Discovering where the website is struggling to perform well can help you take proper measures to improve the scores.


In today’s digital landscape, Core Web Vitals have become the cornerstone of website success. Understanding these vital metrics and their impact on user experience is crucial for any webmaster or business owner. By prioritising Core Web Vitals, you can pave the way for a remarkable user journey and boost your online presence.

At Digital SEO web design, we know the value of Core Web Vitals like no other. As the best web development company in Chennai, we stay at the forefront of industry trends, ensuring that our clients’ websites deliver exceptional performance and a top-notch user experience.

Investing in Core Web Vitals is not just a short-term fix; it’s a long-term strategy for the growth of your business. By enhancing user experience, you can reduce bounce rates, increase engagement, and ultimately drive conversions. Your website becomes a seamless gateway for visitors to explore your products or services, leaving a lasting positive impression.

Don’t let your website fall behind the competition. Take charge of your digital success by focusing on Core Web Vitals. Contact Digital SEO web design today, and let us create a website that not only ranks high on Google but also provides an unparalleled user experience. Your business deserves nothing less than the best, and we’re here to make it happen.

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